Erikli Lake
Mert Gölü, Yeni, İğneada/Demirköy/Kırklareli, Turkey, Erikli Lake, Kirklareli Province, Turkey
It is a lagoon lake that was formed by the Efendi stream, which is located within the borders of Demirköy District, on the Black Sea coast and north of İğneada, filling the sea over time. In this lake, the east is surrounded by the Black Sea, the south is the settlement area of İğneada and the north and west are surrounded by forest areas. Located between 410 52 ’55 ”north latitude and 270 59′ 11” east longitudes, the lake has an area of 43 hectares. A large part of this area, such as 36.5 hectares, is surrounded by reeds (Phragmites australis L.). The deepest place is 1.8 m. The lake, which is located in the northwest, is fed by the Efendi stream and discharges its excess water directly to the Black Sea.