The aim of the competition is to encourage students from schools and universities in the Burgas region (Bulgaria) and the province of Kirklareli (Turkey) to participate in various activities and initiatives that promote the eco-tourism potential of the cross-border region.
The photos need to be landscapes / natural pictures, landscapes of interesting natural sites, etc./, in places that are suitable for eco-tourism, and which are located on the territory of Burgas district (for the participants from Bulgaria) and on the territory of the province of Kirklareli (for participants from Turkey).
Rules for participation in the competition:
- Deadline for sending the photos for the competition – from 0.00 hours on February 1 to 24.00 hours on April 11, 2021.
- The photos must be taken personally by the participant in the competition.
- Contrast enhancement and / or color correction of photos are allowed.
- Wide-angle objective photographs and cropping of parts of the photographs are allowed.
- Photo collages are not allowed to participate.
- The maximum number of photos you can send for participation is 5 (five).
- The photos need to be uploaded on the project website: www.ecodestinaions.eu, or sent to the e-mail address – info@ecodestinations.eu, with a note “for the photo competition”.
- Each participant is required to provide the following information about themselves: their full name, telephone (and / or e-mail) and postal address for contact. / If you wish, you can also send short comments regarding the photos you have submitted – when they were taken, your impressions, interesting moments from the shooting, etc./
- Eligible participants in the competition are only students in educational institutions on the territory of Burgas district and Kirklareli province.
Evaluation and awarding:
Each photo accepted for participation in the competition is evaluated separately. The evaluation is performed by a commission, based on the following criteria: (1) Creativity – 30%; (2) Originality – 40%; (3) Photographic quality – 30%.
The first three participants, whose photos are rated the highest, will be invited to attend the final conference of the project, which will be held in early May 2021 in Kirklareli, Turkey.
The ten best photographs will be presented at photo exhibitions, which will be held in April 2021 in Burgas and Kirklareli. Their owners will receive a catalog and souvenirs prepared under the project.
The winners of the competition will be notified in due course.
Data confidentiality:
According to Art. 4, para. 1, item 2 and para. 2 of LPPD, by sending their personal data for participation in the Competition, the participants express their explicit consent for their processing by the Kladara Foundation. The participants accept that the personal data provided by them will be used only for the purposes and in the context of the Competition. Kladara Foundation, in its capacity of Personal Data Administrator, assumes the responsibility for collecting and processing the personal data of the participants in accordance with the provisions of Art. 2 and 3 of LPPD.
Copyright: By sending the photos for participation in the competition, the participants declare that they are their authors and / or are the holders of the copyright over them (Article 5 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights). By accepting for participation in the competition, the Kladara Foundation accepts that the Participant who sent the photograph (s) is the copyright holder and according to Art. 15, para. 1, item 1 of the Law on Public Procurement, permits the disclosure of the work. Kladara Foundation does not bear any responsibility in the event of disputes over the copyright of the participating photographs – clarifying the authorship of the photographs is the sole responsibility of the participants in the competition. According to the requirements of art. 13 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, the author of the work is obliged to ensure the consent of the depicted person on the portrait, if any.
By sending the photographs, the participants allow the right of their public display and use by the Kladara Foundation, in accordance with Art. 18, para. 2 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights. Kladara Foundation guarantees the observance of the copyrights according to the requirements of art. 15 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights.